Who is Your Personal Professor?
We connect students who need extra help with our network of highly qualified, professional private tutors and education consultants. They consist of university academics, doctoral students, professional private tutors, phd tutor, retired managers and entrepreneurs with a strong academic background.
Your Personal Professor
Our mission is to help educate anyone, anywhere, anytime if they seek learning.
We believe that education is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself or anyone else.
We believe that education gives us knowledge of the world around us.
We believe that education helps improve lives in massive ways.
We believe that everyone wants to learn and that learning is an essential, ongoing and lifelong process.
We believe that asking for help is a sign of strength – the first step on your journey towards becoming the very best version of yourself.
We believe that innovative technology can make all the difference in education.
+47 919 08 939
Your Personal Professor,
Østdalsveien 79,
1187, Oslo
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